Mission Statement

Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family-like supports for families in crisis through a community of compassionate volunteers motivated by their faith to keep children safe and ultimately, together with their families. 


Founded in 2003, Safe Families for Children surrounds families in crisis with caring, compassionate community. We are a volunteer-driven nonprofit that provides hope and support to families in our local communities.

In 2020, the SAFE FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN GREATER PORTLAND AREA chapter is expanding from Washington County across Multnomah and Clackamas Counties to help keep more local families together, averting the trauma of long-term separation for both parents and children.

What We Do

The three objectives of Safe Families for Children are:

  1. Keep children safe during a family crisis such as homelessness, hospitalization, or domestic violence in an effort to prevent child abuse and/or neglect.

  2. Support, and stabilize families in crisis by surrounding them with caring, compassionate community.

  3. Reunite families and reduce the number of children entering the child welfare system.

Who We Are

Our qualified, compassionate staff are deeply committed to serving vulnerable families and children in our community.


Steve Pringle, Kindred Partners & SFFC PDX Executive Director

Micah Ventura, Safe Families for Children Program Director and Family Coach Supervisor for Washington County


Tami Benson, Safe Families for Children Director of Community Relations

Allison Killeen, Safe Families for Children Program Coordinator and Family Coach Supervisor for Clackamas County


Catherine Hockett, Safe Families for Children Safe Families Plus Teen Program Coordinator

Annie Benscoter, Safe Families for Children Program Coordinator and Family Coach Supervisor for Multnomah County


Joan Jones, Safe Families for Children Mommy Mentor Coordinator